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Win Win

I’m ecstatic to release to the world a new track of mine called “Win Win”, the first of a batch of songs recorded with my drummer friend late last year as part of a fun studio project at Electric Wilburland Studios. I suppose “Win Win” is a song about resilience, optimism, and making the most of very real struggles, but it also touches on trying to make it in a system where unfairness is foundational, and crooks and cheats are in increasing supply. How uplifting, right?!
Have a listen:
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#047504&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

North or southbound
Getting up from falling down
Either way, you’re still gaining ground
It’s a win-win
Trampin’ into hurricanes †
Leaving from where I came
In a box or ticker-tape parade
Hell, it’s a win-win
Went rogue in Charlotte
Ended with a busted lip
I got mine but he got his
It’s a win-win
Hey, you gotta hedge your bets these days
You’re riding high in April and fucked in May
Old man and his old cane
Parked it in the farthest lane
Fighting to keep a few things
It’s a win-win
If law’s got a line on medicine
and if Amy’s hungry or hearing voices again
She’s weighing arrest or sustenance
peace or a loaf of bread
It’s a win-win
Hey, you gotta hedge your bets these days
Straddle that line between give and take
Hey, I’d say it’s a hustler’s game
But I’m coming up roses any way I play
North or southbound
Getting up from falling down
Either way, you’re still gaining ground
It’s a win-win
Old man and his old cane
Parked it in the farthest lane
Fighting to keep a few things
It’s a win-win
† This line is inspired by my old friend, Jerrod, who used to “tramp” around the country, hopping trains and playing songs on the street. It’s the kind of romantic life you only read about in books, but he lived it. His sense of adventure, spirit, and fearlessness in following his own path continue to amaze me. This line is his.