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Like any art medium, music has its fair share of assholes, from the cock-rockers at the big local venues to the open-mic all-stars in small… Read More »Character

Job Hunt

I make the profile, fill in the blanks, upload various documents in an effort to justify my competence. I use “power” words like “coordinated”, “managed”,… Read More »Job Hunt


The prodigal sun has returned to Charlotte, which means nothing to me because I’m locked up in the apartment, cranking away at songs. It’s one… Read More »Bonnies


I can’t remember enjoying a “classic” as readable as “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoyevsky. It being my first foray into Russian literature, “Brothers” seamlessly segues… Read More »Broad


OK, realistic goals for the new year. Let’s see: 1) Record two more EPs with at least four songs on each. 2) Write a novella.… Read More »2010